Do you ever have those days when your thoughts feel scattered, you're completely out of focus, maybe a little disconnected and everything seems a little overwhelming? I know I definitely do, especially when life gets too busy, and my never ending joblist looks longer than a 'War and Peace' novel...

So, here's a fabulous and one of my favourite mini Touch Yoga practices called the 'Connecting Cobbler,' it will help you feel more grounded, centred and also restore a sense of inner calm.

We will be waking up and saying 'Hello there' to the Kidney 1 point, also known as the 'Bubbling Springs,' located at the base of your feet. This point is considered the gateway to your body’s energy, and when held it can help balance your Qi (your life force energy). It’s not just about grounding you physically, it’s about reconnecting with the Earth’s energy and boosting your vitality from the inside out.

I always say it’s like having an energetic reset button right at the bottom of your feet. This simple but powerful technique, will gently open and relax your hips, opening up the energetic pathways for your kidneys, spleen, and liver.

It’s incredible how just a few minutes of this practice can help you feel a little more balanced, grounded and ready to take on whatever comes your way. But don’t just take my word for it, give it a try now...

Click here to practice the 'Connecting Cobbler' enjoy…

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